Written by Landon Oitzman
Hello everyone and welcome to the blog. Today I’ll be talking about my future website I will be creating. For this project I will be using the WordPress Astra theme. I choose this theme because it had the most options for templates. While searching I was even able to find a marketing and portfolio website template which is what I am planning on using for the website. This website is where potential and future employers can find information about myself. The site will also show mock products or services I will be selling and providing to customers.
For the website I choose a split color pallet, this color pallet is consisting of a midrange blue, orange, black and white. Fairly basic, yes, I know, but those are what I would consider my personal brand colors. They just scream ME. I choose them because they are eye catching and yet professional looking and not distracting to the reader/user of the website. They work well together and look good on many different backgrounds.
The Look
Once the address has been typed into the search bar. Users will be welcomed at the home page, this page is where they can locate and click on the links to the other pages on the website. There will be a clear “Call to Action” on every page and possibly even multiple per page. once click on they will then lead you to the product/service page, Once selected you can proceed to checkout. There will be an “About Me” page that shows me as a person, my qualifications and levels of education. These will all hopefully attract new and future employers. There will also be a where to contact me page, with links on that page to our social media accounts, email address and more. There will also be plenty of images or other visuals scattered threw out the website. These images will show me, probably some of my hobbies and talents and products or services that I will offer.

The Design Process
When first designing this website, I started by drawing up a concept of I would like it to look like on a piece of paper. The image above is one of my “drawings”. You see, when I’m creating something, I prefer not to just imagine it. I also like to have a physical copy so I can visually see what I want to do. For the website itself it will fallow what I would describe as an “S” shape design. Each page will consist of an image then some text, image on opposite side then text, you get the idea. There will be a Navigation bar at the top or top right of the page which you can click on to bring you to the other pages on my website. There will be a call to action at the top of the pages and at the bottom of the pages. There will be a button to return to the home page and social media links at the bottom of the page and on the where to contact me page or fallow me on social media.
This website will be something extraordinary, unique and built on hard work and creativity. I’ve never done or seen anything like this before, so it will take some time to complete to my satisfaction. I know that it is a long road ahead. But that is a challenge I am willing to take on. Words can not even describe how extremely excited I am for this future to come and the journey along the way. The colors will pair nice together, hopefully the flow will be easy to fallow. The website is easy to find and pages will be easy navigate. So, with all that being said, I believe that’s everything. I hope everyone has a great rest of their day and an even better one tomorrow. We will see you in the next blog.