Your Attractive Heading

Landon Oitzman

A sunny day in late July, me (landon Oitzman) sitting in the drivers side window of my enduro car

Where I Come From

Minnesota welcome sign designates state entrance. Outdoor travel photograph.

I was Born and raised in Caledonia, Mn. I have lived in Houston County my entire life. Growing up I lived on and around farms, so I have a strong work ethic, a kind heart and passion to get up with a smile on my face.

My Hobbies Include: The Theater Arts, Photography, Racing and Playing card games.

Skills and Qualifications

High School Graduate – Class of 2024
WTC Student in the Digital Marketing Program
2 Simternships through Western Technical college
Strong leadership skills
Good communicator
Public Speaking Skills
Genral Computer Knowledge
Microsoft Office Users
Professional In the workplace

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